
  1. 2. The amount of space something takes up.
  2. 7. This gas provides our bodies with life and energy.
  3. 8. Fancy word for predicting what is going to happen in an experiment.
  4. 12. Name for gas turning to liquid
  5. 14. Change happening when two substances mix creating a new substance.
  6. 15. Everything is made of that.
  7. 16. Name for heating water to 212°F.
  1. 1. Name for cooling water down to 32°F.
  2. 3. Smallest bits of which everything is made of.
  3. 4. The higher this is, the faster a reaction takes place.
  4. 5. Change happening when two substances mix changing the look of the substance.
  5. 6. This gas traps heat on Earth: "carbon..."
  6. 9. In this state, water is hard as rock.
  7. 10. In this state, water is runny and takes the shape of its container.
  8. 11. Name for water pouring down on Earth.
  9. 13. Name for ice changing to water.
  10. 17. In this states, water rises up into the air.