  1. 5. an effective method to separate mixtures comprised of two or more pure liquids.
  2. 10. particles of a solid suspended by shaking or stirring in a liquid or gas.
  3. 13. it refers to materials in which no parts can be distinguished even with a microscope aid,and contains only one phase.
  4. 14. act of emitting radiation spontaneously.
  5. 15. it is the temperature at which a material changes from liquid to gas.
  6. 17. the temperature at which a material changes from solid to liquid.
  7. 19. are those changes that can be observed when a change in the composition of the substance is occurring.
  8. 20. are those characteristics that can be observed without affecting the identity of a substance.
  1. 1. refers to whether a compound will burn when exposed to flame.
  2. 2. is a specialized method specifically used for separating magnetic materials, such as iron, from non-magnetic materials, such as soil and plastic.
  3. 3. are compounds that contain 2 elements.
  4. 4. the ability of matter to be bent or hammered into thin sheets without falling into pieces.
  5. 6. a matter that has a fixed or definite composition.
  6. 7. a compound also known as ionic compounds are formed by ionic bond or by the transfer of electron/s between a metal and a nonmetal.
  7. 8. the separation of a mixture by passing it in solution or suspension or as a vapor through a medium in which the components move at different rates.
  8. 9. a classification of physical properties that doesn't depend on the amount of the substance present.
  9. 11. is a separation process which uses the action of centrifugal force to promote accelerated settling of particles in a solid-liquid mixture.
  10. 12. can be used to separate a mixture of two nonmiscible liquids that is, liquids that do not form a homogeneous solution.
  11. 16. mixtures having a non-uniform composition containing two or more phase with definite boundaries between the phases.
  12. 18. the change in form or state but without a change in composition of the substance.