
  1. 2. electrical _________ is the measure of how well electricity can move through a material
  2. 5. the amount of 'stuff' in an object
  3. 10. electrical ______ is a material that slows or stops the flow of electricity
  4. 13. a liquid changing state to a gas form
  5. 14. a mixture with dissolved particles evenly distributed
  6. 16. this element rusts easily, can be magnetized, and makes up part of the earth's core
  7. 18. this element makes your common table salt but by itself can be EXPLOSIVE!
  8. 19. to become evenly mixed with a liquid
  9. 20. a basic building block of life that makes up all other things in the universe - for example: Gold
  10. 21. a combination of 2 or more elements - for example h20
  11. 23. a state of matter that has a definite shape
  1. 1. this valuable metal is soft and widely sought all over the world for its beauty
  2. 3. allow electricity to flow easily
  3. 4. the measure of how resistant a material is to scratching, bending, or denting
  4. 6. the ability of one substance to dissolve in another
  5. 7. anything that has mass and takes up space
  6. 8. a state of matter that has no definite shape
  7. 9. a poisonous metal that can make a beautiful (but lethal) green color
  8. 11. this metal has a melting point of 85.5 degrees farenheit
  9. 12. a state of matter that takes the shape of its container
  10. 15. observable characteristics of a material that identify the material
  11. 17. this gas is conductive and when electricity flows through it, it glows a bright reddish orange color
  12. 21. a force produced by magnets that pulls some metals
  13. 22. the element that ALL life needs in order to exist