
  1. 4. Small dots on a face.
  2. 5. Not tight.
  3. 9. You wear these shoes when it's hot.
  4. 11. You wear them on your hands in winter.
  5. 12. This is a pattern of a zebra.
  6. 13. This is a jewellery on your wrist (hand).
  7. 16. Colour of the skin.
  8. 17. It is a pattern of the page in your math's copybook.
  1. 1. Old and not neat look.
  2. 2. You wear these shoes when it's rainy.
  3. 3. These are tight and you wear them on your legs.
  4. 6. Synonym of trendy.
  5. 7. Material made from animals' skin.
  6. 8. Material made from animals' fur.
  7. 10. It keeps your neck warm.
  8. 14. You are _______ after being at the sun a lot.
  9. 15. It is a sports costume.