
  1. 2. The measurement of the amount of space that matter occupies.
  2. 3. The measurement of the amount of matter in matter. Mass will remain the same unless matter is added or removed. The unit of measurement for mass is grams or G.
  3. 4. has no definite shape since it takes the shape of its container and spreads out to fill the container; no definite volume; molecules are far apart and move about freely
  4. 7. An early form of Chemistry.
  5. 10. a push or pull on matter.
  6. 11. The measurement of how tightly packed the atoms in matter are.
  1. 1. The study of matter and its changes.
  2. 5. has a definite shape and volume; molecules are packed tightly together and vibrate in a fixed position
  3. 6. The measurement of the force of gravity’s pull.
  4. 8. has no definite shape since it takes the shape of its container; definite volume; molecules are farther apart and move or slide over each other
  5. 9. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.