
  1. 4. two or more elements or compounds combined in a way that can be physically separated.
  2. 6. when a solid changes directly into a gas
  3. 7. changes in matter, when the substance goes between solid, liquid, and gas
  4. 9. flexibility is an example of this
  5. 11. phase of matter with no definite shape, but has a fixed volume.
  6. 13. a change in matter, like burning toast, that changes the composition of the substance
  7. 14. the curve we see water when put in a graduated cylinder
  8. 17. the label you would write on a substance that you measure in a graduated cylinder
  9. 20. the flammability of wood is an example of this.
  10. 23. the amount of spaces an object occupies
  11. 24. a change from a gas to a liquid.
  12. 25. the amount of matter in a substance
  13. 26. the label for mass that you record when you use the balance
  14. 27. a pure substance with one type of atom
  1. 1. phase change from a liquid to a solid
  2. 2. a change in matter that does not affect the composition
  3. 3. a piece of lab equipment that we use to measure mass
  4. 4. anything with volume and mass
  5. 5. a state of matter that can be compressed
  6. 8. a piece of equipment used for measuring the volume of a liquid
  7. 10. this has to be absorbed or released in order for a phase change to happen
  8. 12. the relationship be mass and volume, if this is less than 1 it will float in water.
  9. 15. when a gas turns directly into a solid
  10. 16. phase change of a substance from a liquid to a gas
  11. 18. when substances are combined and you can see the different stuff in them
  12. 19. substance with definite shape, definite volume
  13. 20. when you measure and calculate the volume of a shoe box, this would be the label.
  14. 21. a mixture that looks the same throughout, you can't tell it has lots of stuff in it.
  15. 22. two or more elements chemically combined
  16. 25. phase change from a solid to a liquid.