
  1. 4. +
  2. 5. John ______'s atomic theory
  3. 6. H2O
  4. 11. Something composed of two or more separate elements
  5. 13. a negatively charged ion
  6. 14. Columns in the Periodic Table
  7. 15. Last name of the creator of the plum pudding model
  8. 16. Not positively or negatively charged
  9. 18. A substance that cannot be broken down into any other substance
  10. 20. The outer shell of an element
  11. 21. Rows in the Periodic Table
  1. 1. A variant of an atom
  2. 2. __________ atomic model, described as the atom as a tiny, dense, positively charged core called a nucleus, in which nearly all the mass is concentrated, around which the light, negative constituents, called electrons, circulate at some distance, much like planets revolving around the Sun.
  3. 3. Neutral particle in an atom
  4. 7. Made up with three different kinds of particles
  5. 8. Niels ____ proposed a theory for the hydrogen atom
  6. 9. A molecule with a positive or negative charge
  7. 10. Positive particle in an atom
  8. 11. A positively charged ion
  9. 12. -
  10. 17. Negative particle in an atom
  11. 19. The part of an atom that contains the protons and neutrons