
  1. 3. has weight and occupies space
  2. 5. Elements that make up hair
  3. 7. Second weakest side bond
  4. 10. Change example: H and O becoming H2O or getting hair colored
  5. 11. Weakest side bond
  6. 13. Definite weight, indefinite shape and volume
  7. 14. Chain of amino acids linked end to end
  8. 16. Definite weight and volume
  9. 17. Atom with no missing electrons in outer shell
  10. 18. Positive electrical charge
  11. 19. No electrical charge
  12. 21. Atoms are different (when combined)
  13. 23. Type of bond that holds together polypeptide chains
  14. 24. Atoms are the same (when combined)
  15. 25. Compound consisting of C, O, H, N
  16. 27. Two or more atoms joined by chemical bond
  1. 1. Change example: breaking glass or cutting hair
  2. 2. Bond that is the backbone of protein molecules
  3. 4. Area where electrons circle nucleus
  4. 6. Chemistry with carbon present
  5. 8. Atom with missing electrons in outer shell
  6. 9. Chemistry without carbon present
  7. 12. Negative electrical charge
  8. 15. Can not be broken down further, basic substance
  9. 20. Definite weight, shape, and volume
  10. 22. Strongest side bond
  11. 26. Physical and chemical changes to matter