
  1. 2. material that does not allow heat to pass through it easily
  2. 5. material made of liquids and gases that can easily change their location
  3. 6. has no definite shape and no definite volume
  4. 8. movement of fluid particles due to increased temperature and decreased density
  5. 9. solid to a liquid
  6. 13. has a definite volume but no definite shape
  7. 14. movement of energy due to differences in temperature
  8. 16. everything is made up of tiny particles called
  9. 17. when heat is transferred by currents through a fluid
  10. 18. has a definite shape and definite volume
  11. 19. liquid to a solid
  1. 1. stored energy
  2. 3. transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves
  3. 4. the direct transfer of heat from one object to another
  4. 7. anything that has mass and takes up space
  5. 8. gas to a liquid
  6. 10. liquid to a gas
  7. 11. the movement from one place to another
  8. 12. energy in motion
  9. 15. transfer of thermal energy