Matter and Chemical Change Sections 1 and 2

  1. 5. Tells the number of protons and electrons of the element.
  2. 10. Okay conductors, brittle solids.
  3. 12. Weight of an element. Protons + Neutrons = the answer
  4. 15. Most reactive metals.
  5. 16. Philosopher who believed all matter is composed of air, fire, earth, and water.
  6. 18. Pure substance. Made of 2+ elements
  7. 20. Don't react with anything.
  8. 21. Philisopher who believed matter was composed of tiny, indivisible particles he called atomos.
  9. 24. Mixture. You can see the different parts.
  1. 1. Electrons in the outermost energy level that is not full.
  2. 2. Pure substance. Made of 1 type of atom
  3. 3. Energy is realeased/absorbed and a new substance is formed.
  4. 4. Electrons orbit the nuculues in specific levels.
  5. 6. Properties that are only seen after a chemical reaction - ability to burn, behaviour in air, flash point, reaction to heat, reaction to water, reaction to acids, and reaction to red and blue litmus.
  6. 7. Created the Plum Pudding Model. Said that atoms have one large positive chage and negative charges embedded in it.
  7. 8. Mixture. You can't see the different parts.
  8. 9. Properties that are observable - ductility, malleability, state, solubility, magnetism, boil/melt point, crystal formation, colour, and conductivity.
  9. 11. Second most reactive metals.
  10. 13. Good conductors, shiny, malleable, and ductile.
  11. 14. Most reactive non-metals.
  12. 17. All elements are composed of atoms. Created the Billiard Ball Model.
  13. 19. Bad conductors, dull, brittle.
  14. 22. Eletrons orbit an extremely dense core.
  15. 23. Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons.