
  1. 4. pure substance made out of two or more elements
  2. 5. substance that is going to dissolve
  3. 6. subatomic particle with positive charge
  4. 7. salad is an example of this type of mixture
  5. 12. subatomic particle with neutral charge
  6. 13. holds protons and neutrons
  7. 14. everything that has mass and volume
  8. 15. ___ substance has no variable composition
  9. 16. NOT able to mix
  10. 18. substance being dissolved
  1. 1. physical blend
  2. 2. type of mixture; also known as a solution
  3. 3. able to mix
  4. 8. subatomic particle with negative charge
  5. 9. the amount of matter
  6. 10. the amount of space
  7. 11. to mix in with another substance
  8. 17. pure substance made out of one type of atom