
  1. 1. of matter a usually reversible change in the physical properties of a substance,as size or shape
  2. 3. a liquid, usually water, in which a medication or juice is dissolved.
  3. 5. point when a solid becomes a liquid
  4. 6. the smallest physical unit of an element or compound
  5. 9. anything that has mass and takes up space.
  6. 10. composed of two or more parts, elements, or ingredients
  7. 12. the state of being condensed.
  8. 14. change a usually reversible change in the physical properties of a substance,as size or shape
  9. 16. point when a liquid becomes a solid
  10. 18. atoms are closest together
  11. 20. point when liquid becomes a gas
  12. 21. the amount of space an object takes up
  1. 2. A component or constituent of a whole or one of the parts into which a whole may be resolved by analysis
  2. 4. atoms are the farthest apart
  3. 7. liquid water becoming a gas
  4. 8. the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element
  5. 11. an aggregate of two or more substances that are not chemically
  6. 13. change irreversible chemical reaction
  7. 15. atoms are close but slide by each other
  8. 17. atoms move the second fastest and are far apart
  9. 19. the amount of space, measured in cubic units, that an object or substance occupies.