
  1. 2. how much mass is contained in a given volume
  2. 4. a 1 or 2 letter identifier for an element
  3. 6. 2 or more elements chemically combined
  4. 10. can not be broken down into any other substance
  5. 12. _____________ is made up of matter.
  6. 13. Of change in state, acidity, or mass, which one is a chemical property?
  7. 17. A physical change alters the form or appearance of a material, but doesn't change it into a new _____________.
  8. 19. Compounds are represented by a ______________.
  9. 21. its chemical formula is NaCl.
  1. 1. its symbol is H
  2. 3. Of combustibility, reactivity, or color, which is a physical property?
  3. 5. anything that has mass and takes up space
  4. 6. the study of the properties of matter
  5. 7. A chemical change produces a new substance with different _______________ than the original.
  6. 8. its symbol is O
  7. 9. A bicycle chain ___________________is an example of a chemical change.
  8. 11. Chopping __________ is an example of a physical change.
  9. 14. this property is concerned with the appearance or physical state of a substance
  10. 15. this property is concerned with a characteristic of a substance that has to do with chemical change
  11. 16. its chemical formula is H20.
  12. 18. The formula for density is mass/____________.
  13. 20. Elements are made of up _______________.