
  1. 2. Is made up of small particles.
  2. 4. Are always moving.
  3. 6. This is what matter is made of.
  4. 8. How does the Kinetic energy increase
  5. 9. The amount of matter in a substance or object.
  6. 14. Describes what happens to matter when the kinetic energy increases
  1. 1. Particles are far apart and move around quickly.
  2. 3. Makes particles move.
  3. 4. When a _________ occurs, there may be a change of appearance, but no new substance formed.
  4. 5. A pure substance that can't be broken down.
  5. 7. particles are _____ to each other
  6. 10. There are _____ between particles
  7. 11. Particles are bunched together and can't move, only vibrate.
  8. 12. Particles are further apart and slide pass each other.
  9. 13. Usually measured in litres.