
  1. 1. 2 or more elements combined
  2. 5. in the air
  3. 7. hard
  4. 8. not evenly mixed
  5. 9. contains atoms
  6. 11. a physical substance in general
  7. 13. happens at high temperatures, state changes from liquid to gas.
  8. 14. 2 or more elements not physically combined
  9. 16. pure substance
  10. 17. the smallest unit of matter
  1. 1. water drops outside a cup
  2. 2. measured on a balance
  3. 3. hot temperatures causing evaporation happens at 212 degrees fahrenheit
  4. 4. the amount of space an object takes up
  5. 6. solid liquid gas
  6. 7. compound or mixture
  7. 8. evenly mixed
  8. 10. flows
  9. 12. below 33 degrees fahrenheit
  10. 15. measured in different units