  1. 3. a mixture that has constant composition.
  2. 4. mass is neither created nor destroyed.
  3. 10. form of matter holds definite shape
  4. 11. characteristics that can be observed withour changing sample's composition.
  5. 12. independent on amount of substance present.
  6. 13. alters a substance without changing its composition.
  1. 1. 3 physical forms: solid, liquid, and gas
  2. 2. a pure substances that cannot be seperated into simpler substances.
  3. 3. a mixture that does not blend smoothly.
  4. 4. form of matter has constant volume and take shape of its container.
  5. 5. made up of two or more different elements that are combined chemically.
  6. 6. dependant on amount of substance present.
  7. 7. one or more substances changing into new substances.
  8. 8. combination of two or more pure substances.
  9. 9. form of matter that conforms to its shape and bfills the entie volume of container.