
  1. 3. A gas or vapor changes directly into a solid without first changing to a liquid
  2. 5. law The direct proportion of the volume of a gas to its temperature in Kelvins if the pressure and the number of particles of the gas are constant
  3. 8. change Reversible physical change that occurs when a substance changes from one state of matter to another
  4. 10. Phase of change in which a substance changes from a solid to a gas or vapor without changing to a liquid first
  5. 12. A substance changes from a gas or vapor to a liquid
  6. 15. Process that changes a substance from a liquid to a gas at temperatures below the substances boiling point
  7. 18. energy An object has due to its motion
  1. 1. Phase change in which a substance changes from a liquid into a gas
  2. 2. The state of matter in which material has no definite shape or volume
  3. 4. The result of a force distributed over an area
  4. 6. of vaporization The energy a substance must absorb in order to change from a liquid to a gas
  5. 7. Description of a change in which a system releases energy to its surroundings
  6. 9. Description of a change in which a system absorbs energy from its surroundings
  7. 11. Has a definite volume but no definite shape
  8. 13. law The volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure
  9. 14. pressure Pressure caused by the collisions of particles in a vapor with the walls of a container
  10. 16. zero Temperature of 0 Kelvins
  11. 17. Materials that have a definite shape and definite volume