
  1. 3. The _________ number tells us how many protons are in an atom of a particular element
  2. 6. Elements that are dull and cannot conduct electricity
  3. 9. O2 is an example of a _____________
  4. 11. The smallest particle into which an element can be divided
  5. 13. The larger the mass two objects have, the _______ the gravitational force is between those objects
  6. 14. Every element has a unique set of ________
  7. 15. Neon is an example of a ____________
  8. 17. Elements that are malleable and can conduct electricity
  9. 19. Mass divided by volume
  1. 1. Mass is measured in this unit
  2. 2. Two or more atoms of different elements that are chemically combined
  3. 4. Elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals
  4. 5. When an object is dropped into a glass of water and floats, this means it has a density ______ than water
  5. 7. Anything that has volume and mass
  6. 8. The amount of space an object takes up
  7. 10. These particles within atoms are negatively charged
  8. 12. A pure substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances
  9. 16. This is where the protons and neutrons of an atom can be found
  10. 17. The amount of matter something has
  11. 18. The gravitational force on an object