
  1. 4. change that causes matter to change into something new
  2. 5. this theory states that all matter is made up of atoms that are in constant motion
  3. 7. can be observed or measure without changing the matter's identity
  4. 9. the amount of energy needed to change a material from a solid to a liquid state
  5. 12. change that affects one or more physical properties of a substance
  6. 13. matter is neither created or destroyed during a physical or chemical change
  7. 14. describe matter based on its ability to change into new matter that has different properties
  1. 1. means that when matter is heated up it expands
  2. 2. any object that has mass and takes up space
  3. 3. the amount of energy needed to change a material from the liquid state to the gas state
  4. 6. states that if you decrease the volume(amount of space) of a container of gas, the pressure of the gas will increase
  5. 8. the amount of force matter pushes on an amount of space
  6. 10. states that the volume of a gas increases with increasing temperature
  7. 11. is an object's mass compared to it's volume
  8. 15. a gas like mixture of charged particles that move very fast due to the extreme amount of heat energy