
  1. 2. changing from solid to liquid
  2. 8. when space between particles decreases due to decrease in energy
  3. 10. energy of motion
  4. 13. changing from gas to liquid
  5. 14. changing from liquid to a solid
  6. 15. when space between particle increases due to increase in energy
  7. 17. energy transferred from one material to another
  8. 18. changing from gas to solid
  1. 1. average kinetic energy
  2. 3. state which volume and shape is determined by its surroundings
  3. 4. anything that has a mass and volume
  4. 5. smount of space matter takes up
  5. 6. quanitity of matter
  6. 7. explains what happens to matter when kinetic changes occur
  7. 9. changing from solid to gas
  8. 11. changing from liquid to gas
  9. 12. state with definite volume but shape is based on it surroundings
  10. 16. state with definite volume and shape