
  1. 6. solid, liquid or gas; the substance(s) of which anything is composed of.
  2. 9. include Filtration,Chromatography, and Distillation
  3. 12. does not have specific volume and uniformly fills up a container
  4. 14. describe the qualities of a substance that can be demonstrated without changing the composition of the substance
  5. 17. any variety of matter that has a definite, unvarying set of properties and for which all samples have identical composition
  6. 18. definite shape and volume
  7. 19. a measure of the quantity of matter
  8. 20. separates mixtures of liquids based on their boiling points: separation of crude oils and distilling of ’spirits’ to separate alcohol from fermentation mixture
  9. 21. any homogeneous mixture that are separated into two catagories: solutes and solvents
  10. 22. separates heterogeneous mixtures by particle size
  1. 1. a measure of the space that matter takes up
  2. 2. a physical combination of two or more substances
  3. 3. two or more different elements combine
  4. 4. contains only one kind of atom
  5. 5. describe how matter behaves when it changes into another kind of matter
  6. 7. one can see the parts of the mixture easily
  7. 8. evenly mixed and are not able to see the parts that make it up, also known as solutions
  8. 10. not evenly blended and you can see the parts that make it up
  9. 11. does the dissolving; also determines the state of matter of the solution
  10. 13. separates homogeneous mixtures by mass and polarity
  11. 15. being dissolved by the solvent
  12. 16. very small particles that not settle, they scatter light
  13. 18. smaller particles that either float or sink
  14. 23. has a specific volume and takes the shape of a container