
  1. 2. can be separated into 2 or more substances by physical or mechanical means
  2. 5. cannot be separated into 2 or more substances by physical or mechanical means
  3. 8. is made up of two or more kinds of atom
  4. 9. good conductor of electricity
  5. 11. lots of free space between particles
  6. 13. poor conductor
  7. 14. these mixtures have only one phase, or have a uniform appearance throughout.
  8. 16. not transparent or translucent
  9. 17. is a homogeneous mixture
  10. 18. takes the shape of its container
  1. 1. these mixtures are made up of more than one phase or of different parts and can be separated physically.
  2. 3. has a fixed volume and shape
  3. 4. can be separated by filtration
  4. 6. made up of only one kind of atom
  5. 7. is an example of a compound
  6. 10. is anything that takes up space and has mass.
  7. 12. particles do not settle out with time
  8. 15. partially conducts electricity