Matthew 25:31-46

  1. 2. Those cared for
  2. 3. Not chosen for the kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world
  3. 6. Those who will inherit the kingdom
  4. 10. Those visited
  5. 11. Will accompany the King
  6. 12. The throne of the King is described as this
  7. 14. Those clothed
  8. 15. Those invited in
  1. 1. Who will sit on the glorious throne
  2. 4. Those given something to drink
  3. 5. Type of life given to the righteous
  4. 7. Those given food
  5. 8. Opposite of goats in Jesus' parable
  6. 9. Into the eternal fire
  7. 13. Referred to as "brothers" of the King