Matt's Birthday Extravaganza

  1. 2. "...thyself"
  2. 3. Hue of the Nelson home
  3. 7. Matt's favorite pastime
  4. 8. Minnesota's state bird
  5. 10. Heidi's alter ego
  6. 11. "You can' a buffalo herd"
  7. 12. Julie's most-loved childhood snack
  8. 15. Matt's dream job
  9. 17. Common foliage in the Black Hills
  10. 20. Cora's preferred philosopher
  11. 21. Jennifer's first instrument
  1. 1. Matt's birthday stone
  2. 2. The title of Jennifer's favorite movie and idol
  3. 3. Cora's least favorite activity
  4. 4. "We've all got..."
  5. 5. Mitzi's soon-to-be age
  6. 6. Julie's dream/fantasy pet
  7. 9. Tom's most creative baking endeavor
  8. 13. Matt's favorite Luke Bryan song
  9. 14. Tommy Dakota and the
  10. 16. Favored hot drink by all Nelsons
  11. 18. Tom's alternative to toothpaste
  12. 19. Heidi's nickname