Maurizio Coco Articles X-Word

  1. 5. The Revolutionary War left American states in _____
  2. 6. Daniel _____ followers prevented tax collection in 1786
  3. 10. The plan wrote to govern the new country
  4. 12. To pass a bill, ____ out of thirteen states need to approve it
  5. 15. After 1787s Constitutional Convention, only Congress could print _____
  6. 16. Shays Rebbelion happened in _____________
  7. 17. A system where states share power with a strong national government
  8. 19. Each sates got ___ vote in congress, for a total of 13 votes
  9. 20. Shays Rebellion highlighted a _________ in the Articles of Confederation
  1. 1. The US Constitution went into effect ________ years after America declared independence
  2. 2. The Articles were more like a _______ organization for states than a set of binding laws
  3. 3. Alexander _______ hated congress, the world, and himself
  4. 4. The new nation was at a point that it seemed like it might _______
  5. 7. The national government included one _____ __ ______
  6. 8. The Articles of Confederation were written and adopted ______ the Revolutionary War
  7. 9. The Articles created the idea of ________ union of states (never ending)
  8. 11. Articles are flawed because congress couldn't ____
  9. 13. Noah _______ wrote a speller (dictionary) for American English
  10. 14. Shays Rebellion had momentous ___________ for the nation
  11. 18. Americans were afraid to give too much _____ to one person