- 1. The movie we started but had to stop because it wasn't appropriate
- 4. The movie Max keeps trying to watch but we won't let him
- 6. The sport Max and Jack played at recess each day
- 8. The name of Max and Jack's school
- 9. The meal Max goes to for Jack's birthday each year
- 10. The last name of the comedian Penn thinks he is
- 12. The last name of Max and Jack's 3rd grade teacher
- 14. The color of Max's camp
- 15. The cutest little girl ever known to anyone
- 1. The name of Max and Jack's travel baseball team
- 2. The baseball team that Brandon Eson waved bye-bye to
- 3. The sport that requires Max to pass to Jack for the layup
- 5. Max's favorite food
- 7. The camp Max and Jack went to before sleepaway
- 11. The color of Jack's camp
- 13. The city Jack moved from during covid