  1. 4. leader of the flock.
  2. 5. the wear-wolves that were made to hunt down the folck.
  3. 7. nickname of the scienctis that expairamented on the flock.
  4. 10. name of the flocks dog that talks, simaler to Todo.
  5. 11. each one of the folck has a speical p____.
  1. 1. what Jeb says max is sopost to be.
  2. 2. what all the flock has that help them fly.
  3. 3. the father figure to the flock.
  4. 6. the place wear the foclk got there wings.
  5. 8. the power that Angels has that helps her read minds.
  6. 9. the group of kids with wings.