May the 4th be with you this Cinco De Mayo

  1. 3. party
  2. 5. popular dish of mashed avocado
  3. 7. Jedi son of Padme
  4. 9. military from this country was headed to Mexico City but was stopped and defeated in Puebla
  5. 10. lovable best friend of Han Solo
  6. 11. traditional Mexican folk music, typically performed by a small group of strolling musicians dressed in native costume
  7. 14. anniversary of this event is celebrated on the 5th of May
  8. 15. soldiers of the Galactic Empire
  9. 16. starfighter named for their distinctive shape
  10. 17. alcoholic drink popular on Cinco de Mayo
  11. 18. robots like R2-D2 or C-3PO
  1. 1. desert planet where Luke Skywalker grew up
  2. 2. Han Solo’s ship
  3. 4. weapon of a Jedi
  4. 6. country of origin of Cinco de Mayo
  5. 8. national dance of Mexico often referred to as the Mexican Hat Dance
  6. 11. the official dish of Cinco de Mayo
  7. 12. a guardian of peace and justice
  8. 13. evil father of Luke
  9. 19. traditional Mexican hat