Maya, Aztec, Inca Crossword

  1. 5. Natural resource, Aztecs used this as blades on their macuahuitl
  2. 6. The Mayans used these to get fresh water to their cities
  3. 9. The mountains that are home to the Inca
  4. 11. Staple food of Mesoamerica
  5. 13. Roads leading from Tenochtitlan to the mainland
  6. 14. Floating gardens of the Aztecs
  7. 16. The numbers of weeks in the Mayan calendar
  8. 17. The Mayans lived in modern day Mexico, Belize, and what other country?
  9. 20. Incan counting device
  10. 21. Home of the Aztecs and the Mayas
  11. 22. The fourth social class of the Aztecs
  12. 24. This civilization started in 1200 BC
  13. 25. Home of the Inca
  14. 28. This empire started earliest and lasted longest
  15. 29. The Inca used these as medicine
  16. 30. A wood and obsidian sword used by the Aztecs
  17. 31. A Mayan book
  1. 1. Slaves were sometimes offered as this to the gods
  2. 2. One of the jobs performed by Aztec nobles
  3. 3. These Mayan ruins can be found today on the Yucatan Peninsula
  4. 4. The most important Incan god - the good of agriculture
  5. 7. The capital of the Aztec Empire
  6. 8. Incan brain surgery
  7. 10. This country defeated both the Aztec and the Inca
  8. 12. Used as money by the Aztecs
  9. 14. The Inca capital city
  10. 15. The third Mayan social class
  11. 18. Carried fresh water into Aztec cities
  12. 19. A tree that produces seeds which make chocolate
  13. 21. The famous Inca city set way up in the Andes
  14. 23. Aztecs who created goods such as headdresses and jewelry
  15. 26. The Spanish conquistador responsible for destroying the Aztec Empire
  16. 27. The Mayans tracked the movement of these to create their calendar