Mayan agriculture

  1. 2. the main plant of the Mayans
  2. 4. a barrier to block water
  3. 6. a tool used to chop wood
  4. 7. a person who kills animals for food
  5. 9. period of no rain
  6. 12. oldest method of farming
  7. 14. somebody who gets food
  8. 15. they used these to make chocolate
  9. 16. ditches moving water to plants
  10. 17. can be used to fertilize soil
  11. 19. a piece of ground to grow things
  1. 1. a piece of land with fruit trees
  2. 3. to be in rest
  3. 5. pile
  4. 8. farming
  5. 10. made by humans
  6. 11. these people had a 365 day calendar
  7. 13. an additive to the soil that increases fertility
  8. 15. the god of rain
  9. 18. another word for corn