  1. 3. CRUM small fragment of bread
  2. 6. COUL unit of electric charge
  3. 8. TOMB memorial stone over a grave
  4. 10. CATA underground cemetery
  5. 11. PLUM person who fits and repairs water supplies and drains
  6. 12. DUMB speechless with surpise
  7. 13. CLIM withdrawal from a stance taken up
  8. 15. APLO self assurance
  9. 16. BOMB overwhelming surprise
  10. 18. FORE front limb of an animal
  1. 1. SUCC to surrender
  2. 2. LAMB eleventh letter of the greek alphabet
  3. 4. NUMB a stupid person
  4. 5. EMBA preserve a corpse from decay
  5. 7. HONE bees wax structure of hexagonal cells
  6. 9. THUM nail of a thumb
  7. 14. DITH wild choral hymn in ancient greece
  8. 17. BENU to make numb, paralyse