- 3. CRUM small fragment of bread
- 6. COUL unit of electric charge
- 8. TOMB memorial stone over a grave
- 10. CATA underground cemetery
- 11. PLUM person who fits and repairs water supplies and drains
- 12. DUMB speechless with surpise
- 13. CLIM withdrawal from a stance taken up
- 15. APLO self assurance
- 16. BOMB overwhelming surprise
- 18. FORE front limb of an animal
- 1. SUCC to surrender
- 2. LAMB eleventh letter of the greek alphabet
- 4. NUMB a stupid person
- 5. EMBA preserve a corpse from decay
- 7. HONE bees wax structure of hexagonal cells
- 9. THUM nail of a thumb
- 14. DITH wild choral hymn in ancient greece
- 17. BENU to make numb, paralyse