M&C Telecom Crossword

  1. 3. DevConnect Business Partner
  2. 4. M&C has recently relocated to Long Island business hub, __________, NY
  3. 8. A record of actions that have occurred
  4. 9. Don’t forget to check out our ____, The Information Station; An online resource center written by M&C IVR and CTI experts! Located at mcassociates.wordpress.com
  5. 11. The “D” in ACD.
  6. 12. A software and hardware device that controls and directs voice and data traffic
  7. 14. CTI stands for Computer ___________ Integration
  1. 1. The “P” in PBX
  2. 2. Avaya ____ Contact Center (AACC)
  3. 5. the automated transaction (interactions) among the caller, the voice response system, and any databases or host computers required for your business
  4. 6. A message played to a caller that gives the caller a choice of selections in a menu and asks for a response
  5. 7. The “I” in IVR
  6. 10. M&C offers System _______ that includes preventative support, on-site hardware and software support as well as telephone support
  7. 13. The physical components of a computer system. (ex. The central processing unit, disks, tape and diskette drives..)