McHenry's Research Crossword

  1. 3. declarative statements which make a prediction
  2. 4. summaries of information that show relations among scores or variables
  3. 5. characteristic of an individual or an organization which is measurable, observable, and varies among research participants
  4. 9. experiments situations where the researcher assigns participants to groups because random selection cannot be done
  5. 10. process of gathering firsthand information by observing people and places at a research site
  6. 13. research approach for describing trends and explaining the relationship among variables
  7. 14. phenomenon issue or process explored in research
  8. 16. suggestions for the importance of the study for different audiences
  9. 17. the researcher gathers data in the setting where the participants are located
  10. 18. identifying the major intent or objective for a study
  11. 19. the place where a story physically occurs
  1. 1. reflection on personal beliefs which are written into research
  2. 2. the process of corroborating evidence
  3. 6. research approach useful for exploring a central phenomenon
  4. 7. tools for measuring, observing, or documenting
  5. 8. a statistical test to determine patterns
  6. 11. development of sound evidence to show that the intended test interpretation matches the proposed purpose of the test
  7. 12. when researchers ask and record answers to open-ended questions
  8. 15. intentional use of specific terms to convey ideas
  9. 20. similar codes aggregated together to form a major idea