McKenna Pate Mrs.Key

  1. 2. A small cavity,pit,or hole
  2. 7. Affection of organs
  3. 8. Red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins
  4. 10. Muscular - walled tubes forming part of the circulation system
  5. 12. Lymph drains tissues into the blood
  6. 13. Cavity behind the nose and mouth
  1. 1. Blood vessels that form a network between arteriols and venules
  2. 3. Blood Vessel
  3. 4. The voice box
  4. 5. An organ system that encompasses the heart and blood vessels
  5. 6. bronchus
  6. 9. Tubes reinforced by Rings of cartlege
  7. 11. A colorless fluid white blood cells
  8. 12. Number of small swellings in lymphanic system