McKinley and Roosevelt expanding America's role in the World

  1. 1. Roosevelt wanted to ____ a canal across Panama.
  2. 3. Panama Canal kept people from having to sail around ___ America
  3. 7. The Panama Canal created a ____ from the Atlantic to the Pacific
  4. 9. _______ Canal was a shortcut between two oceans.
  5. 11. The Panama Canal made trade easier.
  6. 12. ____ raged between the Filipinos for 2 years.
  7. 13. The Columbia did not want to _____ the land.
  8. 14. expansion was believed to produce ___.
  9. 16. The Panama _____ was built in Panama.
  10. 18. citizens wanted resources of ___ territories.
  11. 19. Imperialist wanted to keep the Philippines for its ______ resources
  12. 21. citizens wanted to expand America's _ in the world.
  13. 22. was assasinated in 1901.
  1. 2. people who are against expansion.
  2. 4. President during the building of the Panama Canal
  3. 5. Philippines are located in Southeast ___.
  4. 6. Amendment that gave U.S. a say in how Cuba ran.
  5. 8. The Spanish American War helped this country gain independence
  6. 10. The Spanish ___ War.
  7. 15. the USS Maine exploded in a Cuban ____.
  8. 17. U.S. had control of 2 Cuban ____ bases.
  9. 20. Philippines became an "unorganized ____".