Me, Myself, and Memory Book (no caps)

  1. 2. The ________ I had known would have changed and I don’t really want that.
  2. 4. So far, I expect high school to be more ________ and require higher expectations.
  3. 5. I also got a jade ________ from a shop there.
  4. 8. I grew up in ________, California.
  5. 9. Why I get ________ so easily, I am not sure about.
  1. 1. Math was entirely decimals, ________, and rounding numbers.
  2. 3. ________, I would look to try to get a better job or a promotion.
  3. 6. Everyone then boarded a bus and we went on a walk around ________ Park.
  4. 7. That was approximately 3 ________ ago!