England: Industrial Age

  1. 2. create a classless society.
  2. 4. Eli Whitney created the _____ gin.
  3. 5. natural resource that started the Industrial Revolution.
  4. 7. working class was called_________.
  5. 9. money used to invest the enterprises.
  6. 12. the industrial middle class were _______ and inventers.
  7. 13. the working class lived in _______.
  8. 15. working class children _______.
  1. 1. people own and operate the means of production.
  2. 3. goal of society should be the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.
  3. 4. business owned by individuals.
  4. 6. people moving to cities.
  5. 8. Watt invented the steam engine
  6. 10. a business organization in a specialized area.
  7. 11. the Industrial Revolution began in _________.
  8. 14. 1.Natural ______ 2. Available capital 3.stable government.