- 1. His ratio is used to compute lateral strain imparted by longitudinal loads
- 3. If the maximum moment is positive, the top of the beam is in...
- 7. A member fixed on both ends is...
- 8. Stability refers to...
- 12. Serviceability refers to...
- 14. Tau (stress)
- 16. Sigma (stress)
- 17. This type of strain is a result of temperature differences
- 1. These stresses represent the maximum and minimum stresses found on an element
- 2. Area under entire stress-strain curve (Modulus of...)
- 3. Allowing the elongation of two elements to be the same
- 4. Area under elastic curve (Modulus of...)
- 5. A K-value of 0.5 implies that both ends of a column are...
- 6. There are two stresses associated with pressure vessels: hoop and...
- 9. These conditions are necessary to find c1 and c2 values
- 10. Stress that results from torque around a shaft
- 11. His formula is used to find P-critical
- 13. This type of beam replaces fixed supports with free ends
- 15. Stress at which the stress-strain curve becomes horizontal
- 18. Using his circle we can evaluate plane stresses