Mechanics Puzzle

  1. 4. The result of force out / force in is _________ advantage.
  2. 7. work out/work in
  3. 11. The meaning of HP in mechanics
  4. 12. force/area
  5. 13. Energy of speed is ______ energy.
  6. 15. In machines, the ______ efficiency is usually less than the ideal.
  7. 17. The system of measurement used worldwide.
  8. 18. Heat waste is ______ pollution.
  9. 20. machines Machines that have no power supply, like levers, pulleys, inclined planes, etc.
  10. 21. When anti-matter and matter meet, they produce _________.
  1. 1. distance in/distance out
  2. 2. The more massive an object, the more it resists ___________.
  3. 3. _____ arm is the distance from the fulcrum to the force.
  4. 5. Stored up energy capable of doing work is ______ energy.
  5. 6. _______cylinders are used to produce very large forces.
  6. 8. Mass plus energy is constant because of ________'s law.
  7. 9. Usually a machine is designed to give more _____ out than you put in.
  8. 10. The point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots.
  9. 14. _____ mechanical advantage is when the distance in is equal to the distance out.
  10. 16. Force due to gravity
  11. 19. Hydrolic cylinders are run by pressure on a _____.