mechanics - small engines

  1. 4. tool that tightens nuts or bolts to a specific tightness
  2. 7. component that squeezes gasoline and air together
  3. 9. volatile chemical substance used for combustion
  4. 10. step in which gas and air enter the cylinder
  5. 11. substance that helps cool your engine
  6. 12. main turning component in an engine
  1. 1. how an engine operates
  2. 2. a narrow opening in the carburetor that creates a vacuum
  3. 3. heat energy transfer by direct touch
  4. 5. is used to commonly rate and rank the power produced by an engine based on finite engine speed
  5. 6. the largest component in your engine
  6. 8. the amount of times a crankshaft rotates to complete all four strokes in 4 cycle theory