
  1. 7. My teacher calls himself
  2. 8. Mass x Acceleration
  3. 12. These types of machines have no power supplies
  4. 15. E=mc^2 What law is this?
  5. 17. Force due to gravity
  6. 18. Force x Length
  7. 19. Velocity / Time
  8. 20. Mass produces ___
  1. 1. An example of force in the english system
  2. 2. 1 ___ = 550 ft lb/sec
  3. 3. Stored up energy capable of doing work
  4. 4. Assume energy is ____
  5. 5. Work out / Work in
  6. 6. Force / Area
  7. 9. When anti-matter and matter meet and vanish, they produce what _____
  8. 10. The energy of speed
  9. 11. An example of length in the metric system
  10. 13. Distance in / Distance out
  11. 14. Mass plus energy is ___
  12. 16. Energy ends up as ____