- 3. early cancer signs
- 8. “Your body’s way of protecting itself”
- 9. one of the most common CA treatments
- 12. one of the most common CA treatments
- 14. trauma outside of the body
- 15. subjective abnormalities abnormalities felt by patient
- 16. spread of disease to regions
- 18. Congenital “present at birth”
- 20. cells that divide
- 21. local region confined disease
- 24. diseases with undetermined causes
- 25. one abnormal mass of tissue
- 26. presence of abnormal cells
- 28. re growth of affected tissue area
- 29. presence of 2 or more medical conditions
- 1. healing tissues forming scar tissue
- 2. suffering from a medical condition
- 4. immune response against
- 5. most important prevention for spread of infection
- 6. Staging and grading for CA
- 7. single gene
- 10. reduction of symptoms/intensity of disease
- 11. life long symptoms
- 13. Normal with age
- 17. Non life threatening tumor
- 19. undifferentiated cells, life threatening
- 22. Multiple gene inheritance
- 23. spread of disease worldwide
- 27. objective abnormalities assessed by health care worker