MED170 chapter 13

  1. 1. affordable care act
  2. 5. study of changes in gene activity
  3. 9. at least 20% over ideal body weight
  4. 10. vested interest in healthcare industry
  5. 12. proteins that genes express
  6. 14. National Healthcare Quality Report
  7. 15. expected to live 80.93 years
  8. 16. degree of excellence of healthcare
  1. 1. availability & means to purchase healthcare
  2. 2. amount income spent on healthcare in US
  3. 3. how genes cause expression of certain traits
  4. 4. presently on US list #7th cause of death
  5. 6. gross domestic product
  6. 7. # of years expected to live
  7. 8. # of years actually live
  8. 11. Agency for healthcare Research & Quality
  9. 13. Economic Cooperation & Development