Media influences on aggression: The effects of computer games

  1. 2. One of the types of people hit by the juvenile offenders in the study by DeLisi et al. (2013)
  2. 3. The File drawer effect states that non-significant results are placed in this location where files are kept
  3. 6. Longitudinal studies are affected by these types of variables
  4. 8. This type of study provides a more realistic view of how media affects aggression as it looks at the same group of people for a long period of time
  5. 13. Meta Analyses are affected by this type of bias
  6. 14. An issue with correlational research is that we cannot draw these types of conclusions
  7. 16. A problem with lab studies of aggression is that they cannot create real aggressive situations as this would be _______
  8. 17. The name of the measure of aggression in the study by Bartholow and Anderson’s (2002)
  9. 18. The amount of television watched in childhood that caused aggression in participants in the study by Robertson et al. (2013)
  1. 1. This type of hypothesis states that aggressive people select aggressive media
  2. 4. Experimental studies like those by Bartholow and Anderson allow researchers to find this type of link between media and aggression
  3. 5. Anderson et al. (2010) found a link between playing violent video games and aggression in these types of cultures and collectivist ones
  4. 6. Complete the sentence. Researchers like Anderson et al claim that the effect of violent game-playing on aggressive behaviour is greater than the effect of second-hand smoke on_______
  5. 7. This type of hypothesis supports the idea that media causes people to be aggressive
  6. 9. A problem with experimental studies is the ________way in which aggression is measured.
  7. 10. the age up to which people were studied in the investigation by Robertson et al. (2013)
  8. 11. Aggression was operationalised in the study by Robertson et al. (2013) by the number of these that were committed
  9. 12. A large scale review of many studies
  10. 14. The type of method used by DeLisi et al. (2013)
  11. 15. A problem with comparing violent and non-violent games is that they are often different types of games and so are not______
  12. 19. The players who selected higher noise levels in Bartholow and Anderson’s (2002) study played these types of games