Media Studies Music Video

  1. 3. a form of SFX that can be seen in videos.
  2. 7. embedded marketing in a text.
  3. 9. Laura Mulveys theory.
  4. 10. a platform where everyone can promote and listen to music.
  5. 11. when realism is created through a text.
  6. 12. most popular music streaming service
  7. 13. a narrative that doesn't follow a set timeline.
  8. 17. most listened to genre of music in America according to The NPD Group.
  9. 18. Theorist "There are distinct video conventions for each musical genre".
  10. 19. Theorist "Genres creates order to simplify the mass of available info".
  1. 1. a premium CD album that shows similarity’s to Vinyl .
  2. 2. lets audiences interact with companies & creators.
  3. 4. helps audience interpret a text.
  4. 5. Most sold album of all time.
  5. 6. a literary devise that creates a connection between texts.
  6. 8. One of the biggest music industry's.
  7. 13. Theorist "Attempts to structure some order into the wide range of texts".
  8. 14. who popularized the term Web 2.0 with O’Reilly.
  9. 15. often used in music videos to create verisimilitude.
  10. 16. used by industries to sell products to audience.