Media Theory Revision

  1. 2. Mulvey - Male Gaze theorist
  2. 5. The focus of Livingstone and Lunt's work
  3. 6. Theories that explain how the mass media influence the attitudes and perceptions of audience members
  4. 8. Gender - Butler
  5. 9. - Doll, Bandura
  6. 10. Paul - Postcolonial theorist
  7. 12. A postmodern concept, a representation or imitation of a person or thing
  8. 14. Codes, includes body language and facial expressions
  9. 15. Cultivation theory
  10. 18. A key aspect of Baudrillard's theory
  11. 19. Denotation, connotation and myth
  12. 20. Hesmondhalgh would argue there is a lack of this in the media
  1. 1. The opposite to a stereotype
  2. 3. David - Cultural Industries
  3. 4. The study of signs
  4. 7. Believes that the media does not create identities, but just reflect them instead
  5. 11. Stuart - Reception Theory
  6. 12. End of audience theorist
  7. 13. Maps - The representations we carry round in our minds
  8. 16. Repetition and - genre theory
  9. 17. An intersectional feminist