Media - TV Drama & Web-based Drama

  1. 1. Camera shot often used to show what the character is feeling
  2. 5. Balance within the media area
  3. 6. Content within a website that has been created by the user
  4. 11. The Hero
  5. 12. A widely held set of beliefs or values
  6. 13. The name that identifies the website
  1. 1. The coming together of more than one media area
  2. 2. Devices used to keep the audience interested
  3. 3. Everything visible within the scene
  4. 4. Contrasts between characters
  5. 7. Theory that states celebrities are created by institutions for finacial gain
  6. 8. Sound that is outside the space of the narrative
  7. 9. Russian theorist that based his theory on fairytales and folklore
  8. 10. Grouping together programmes with similar appeal to 'sweep' the viewer from one to another
  9. 11. Theorist that stated stock characters are needed within a narrative