Media Words, Jasmin

  1. 2. Media can be used to ....... people.
  2. 3. 7 News is on ...... 6.
  3. 7. You can view news online.
  4. 8. This is usually one of the end segments of the news.
  5. 9. You can ..... news articles.
  6. 10. A blog is a type of what?
  7. 12. Man Injured in Wild Southbank Brawl is an example of a ......
  8. 13. what is one of the top searches on Bing?
  9. 14. A lot of articles/segments cover ........
  10. 16. What is it called when an article is one sided?
  1. 1. News is avalible to what?
  2. 4. How do people try to sell stuff in the media?
  3. 5. Someone the checks over all the articles fro errors.
  4. 6. a type of news that consists of deliberate misinfomation.
  5. 11. The news paper usually covers ...... news
  6. 15. What type of media is Instagram?