- 4. Carries blood to body
- 5. Deficient blood sugar
- 8. Following death
- 10. Removal of tissue to examine
- 13. Outermost membrane
- 17. To slide forward
- 19. Between vertebrae
- 20. Painful/stressed breathing
- 21. Beside
- 22. Cutting into
- 23. Much/often urination
- 24. Glands that secrete hormones
- 28. Cutting out
- 29. Not cancerous
- 30. Membrane surrounding bone
- 31. Cancerous
- 1. To view lungs
- 2. Change of place
- 3. New growth
- 6. Difficult swallowing
- 7. Paralysis of half
- 9. Fast heartbeat
- 11. Artificial part
- 12. Produces insulin
- 14. Skin's top layer
- 15. Excessive, high
- 16. Cutting of an organ
- 18. Below the neck
- 25. Painful menstruation
- 26. Increase in development
- 27. Complete