- 2. cancer
- 3. fever of undetermined origin
- 4. shortness of breath
- 5. hemoglobin
- 7. deoxyribonucleic acid
- 8. to drain and collect urine directly from the bladder (primary use)/ also to act as a makeshift oxygen tube/etc.
- 9. gastrointestinal
- 13. to look inside the gastrointestinal tract/used mainly in surgery or by surgical consultants
- 16. complete blood count
- 18. four times a day
- 20. to measure the patient's blood pressure
- 22. to produce aerosols of drugs to be administered by respiratory route
- 24. intensive care unit
- 26. to assist or carry out the mechanical act of inspiration and expiration so the non-respiring patient can do so
- 27. dead on arrival
- 1. foreign body obstructed airway
- 2. to create a permanent pathway to a vein (or artery) for the purpose of repeated injections or infusion of intravenous (IV) fluids
- 4. to hear sounds from movements within the body like heartbeats/ intestinal movement/ breath sounds/etc
- 6. drops
- 7. to remove toxic materials from the blood that are generally removed by the kidneys/ used in case of renal failure
- 10. intrauterine device
- 11. to correct arrhythmias of the heart or to start up a heart that is not beating
- 12. blood pressure
- 14. to look into the external ear cavity
- 15. ethyl alcohol/ intoxicated
- 17. electrocardiogram
- 19. human immunodeficiency virus
- 21. abortion
- 23. biopsy
- 25. acute respiratory distress syndrome